Stone Mountain Adventures: Summer Camps for Teens

SMA 2014 Session 3 Memory Book: Read about Campers amazing experiences

Written by Jud Millar | Wed, Sep 24, 2014




Third session was really fun! This was my first time at SMA and I made lots of friends. I met Mia and Phoebe on the first day and we became really good friends. Something from camp I will always remember is the canoe trip with Mia and Daniel. Every time we went towards a tree she would start screaming. Near the middle of the river we headed straight into a tree and Mia threw her paddle away, stood up, and jumped onto me. She screamed and started crying and Daniel and I almost peed ourselves from laughing so hard! Another memory was the Yough White Water Rafting trip; I was in a boat with Hot Sauce, Olivia B, Emily and Stevie. Some fun activities were Canoeing, Wind Surfing and the Rock Climbing overnight. I liked these activities because they were really thrilling! I also did all of them with some awesome counselors like Hot Sauce, Chase, Melissa, Fish, Brenna, Tom, Roy, Lindsay, Ali, Alyna, James, Josh, Lucy, Tim and Katie. I was sad that I only stayed for one session. It was really fun and I wish I stayed for longer but I know that I will cherish my memories from SMA forever!


This was my first year at SMA and it was great. I had an awesome time here, and the two weeks passed so quickly. I made lots of new friends and I tried lots of different and cool activities that I wouldn’t normally try. The counselors here are awesome! They are so crazy and funny and I’m going to miss them a lot: Immature Lucy, Cool Hot Sauce, Hippie Chase, Crazy Roy, British Tom, Tim: that laugh, Football Katie, Hipster Ali, Dancing Alyna, Rock Climber Melissa, Secret Friend James and Tube Lindsay.  Van rides were awesome, but there were some weird ones and of course some funny ones. I will remember Colombe’s dance, Mirena’s hugs, nights with Trevor, Ian with the horsehead mask, Hot Sauce playing the electric guitar really awesomely and me doing ‘Eduardo the Pretty Fairy’. I don’t know if I’ll be back next year, but I’m sure that I will remember everyone and all the memories that I have made here forever.


This session was my first time here at SMA and I found it to be really amazing! It was a brand new experience for me and I loved every moment of it. I am usually a shy person, plus I am from France so I was afraid to speak at first but all of the people were so open and smiley so I had no trouble making lots of friends. There are many things that I will remember from this session like evening meeting each day with everybody at camp, warm fuzzies and cold pricklies, traveling in the vans to get to our activities, and reading time in Mattawanna with Ali, Fish, and Brenna. I will try to come back next year because this camp is really perfect. There are so many different activities to try, while all of the people are amazing including the awesome counselors who I love. Thank you for making sure we have fun all the time!




Session 3 2014 was awesome! I made so many new friends and made some great connections with the awesome counselors. Even though this is my third summer here at SMA I was still nervous before I arrived. When I first arrived at camp all my nerves disappeared, especially as I began to reconnect with all my old friends (Emily F., Daniel, Alex N. otherwise known as Jesus, and Kyle) and made some new ones (Arianna, Jack and Emilie). I also got the chance to meet and hang out with some awesome counselors. In the middle of the session I was going through something and Roy helped me through it all. Thank you Roy, for everything. All the counselors really care about the campers and genuinely go out of their way to make the campers feel safe and happy. Activities this session were the bomb. Horsemasters was amazing, especially getting to see Pam and Kelsey again. I wasn’t able to ride the last two activity days, but I still went to the barn and had a lot of fun. My cabin (Mattawanna) was the best it could have been. I love all my Mattwanna girls so much, and I know they will be my friends forever. I love everyone here so much and I can’t wait for next session. SMA is an incredible Horseback riding teen summer camp.  Thank you, Jud and Anne, for everything.


This was my first time at SMA and I have made some incredible memories this summer, especially the White Water Rafting trip and Frisbee Golf. My cabin was awesome and I had a really good time making friends with everyone in the Crow’s Nest. I also learnt that Americans are really cool and it’s so easy to make friends in another country, especially at SMA. Finally, I’ll never forget this camp, it’s unforgettable and it’s definitely one of the best memories of my life.


This summer I have made some amazing friends and memories that I will cherish for a lifetime. Some of my favorite memories are from disco roller skating and all the evening activities that we went on. This year was my third year and 9th session, and it has gone by so quickly. I know that the friendships I have made here will last forever because we all share such a special place. By the time everyone reads this, it will be a couple of months since camp ended and everyone will have forgotten those late night cabin talks but I know that we haven’t forgotten these friendships, memories and of course SMA. I hope for everyone that between the time we left camp and now that we have all kept in touch because everything that has happened here has meant so much to me.


This is my fifth session here at SMA teen sleepaway summer camp and I loved it! It was so much fun seeing all my old friends, but also making tons of new ones. As always the activities are amazing, but my favorite part of camp is the down time. Power Hour is usually the highlight of my day here – whether I’m beating my brother in knock-out, hanging out on the swing with Jeff and our bunny, or listening to Ian tell his stories. SMA is so amazing, it even makes doing dishes turn into a dance party! As I write this, so many of my best friends will be leaving soon and it's going to be so weird being here at camp without people like T-Money, Olivia, Spencer, Kyle, and my brother. But since SMA is so amazing and special I’m sure I’ll have a great time anyway! I can’t wait for next session.



This was my 5th session at Stone Mountain, and here is what I’ve realized: it gets better each and every time. The first time you go through Candlelight Meetings, the Invention Convention, White Water Rafting and the Talent Show it’s amazing. As I come back every year and do all these things again and again it’s still as amazing as it was that first session in 2012. I love this group so much, and I love everything about this place that even the van rides make me smile. I love everyone here and this place so much that I am already excited for next summer - #YOLOSWAG! P.S. I love T-Money.


Session 3 of 2014 was my first session ever at Stone Mountain Adventures teen overnight summer camp. Coming here I did not know anyone who went here, and I had just come by it on a whim while on the internet. I left the SMA Webpage open, and the next thing I knew my mom was sending in my information. I wasn’t ecstatic that she was making me go to a sleep away camp in the middle of nowhere Pennsylvania, but I went. When I first arrived I was extremely nervous and scared. However, as the days went on I bonded with counselors and campers. I’m actually really grateful for coming here because I met some amazing people like Lydia, T-Money, Daniel, Olivia B., Hot Sauce and Katie (both the counselor and the camper) just to name a few. It’s sad that a lot of the friends I made here live hours away from me, however I’m hoping that I can still keep in touch with them. I will definitely be coming back next year, and I hope that I can be a counselor here someday. #YAAAS #SeeYouNextYearSMA


SMA has its own aura, community and joy. The people make the camp seem like it is living and breathing, and once you have arrived here SMA becomes a part of you. I have been coming here for two years now and I can definitely say that this camp has changed me enormously. When I arrived here two years ago I was overwhelmed with a huge welcoming party. I was invited into everything and felt at home almost immediately. The environment of chaotic joy has made me a much more open and talkative person. The small size of the camp ensures you feel part of a community, and some of the friends I made this year and last I now consider family. I will always remember the amazing memories I had made here at this truly amazing and special place.


SMA is unlike any other place in the whole world. I love the feeling at a non-competitive summer camp.  The friendships and community that is formed in such a short time is so amazing. I’ve met so many people here that after knowing them for only 2 to 4 weeks I now cannot imagine living without them. There is so much bonding and love here to the point where you could tell any of the people here your life story, deepest secrets and more after knowing them for a few days. When you’re down, everyone comes to make sure you feel better and supported. Even my worst days at SMA were better than most of my days at home. Jud and the staff care so much about the kids that pass through and make sure we all feel happy, safe and included. I already cannot wait to come back and I haven’t even left yet. 


My second year at camp was almost no different to the first. Last year all I knew was that this place had a different age group and a very different culture from where I go to camp earlier in the summer in Southern Illinois. But, this year the schedule of camp changed to that I had to come a session later opposed to last year. That didn’t change a thing because plenty of people from last year were here this session. I always planned to Rock Climb while here, but I never could because I love Soccer and Ultimate Frisbee so much. Unfortunately, I broke my toe saving a shot in soccer and this complicated things because I had to wear crutches despite the fact it didn’t hurt. I will always remember this camp for the closeness it creates between counselors and campers, and how Jud let me be a camper for probably the last time. SMA is a great teen sleepaway summer camp.  I will always remember this place.



Being a 3rd year has made this year the best I’ve had here at SMA. Seeing friends that I haven’t seen in a year was super awesome and the new friendships that I’ve made this summer have turned into lasting relationships. Too bad Spencer had weak knees this year.


This was my second session and my first year at SMA. For me this session was awesome and I really want to come back next year. I have learnt so many things about myself, this country, and about everyone at this camp. I’m from France and my first week of my first session was really hard for me. But all of the campers and counselors welcomed me so nicely. I will never forget the month that I spent here at SMA and I would like to thank Jud, the staff and all the campers who made this an incredible and unforgettable adventure.


I have the best memories from my time here at SMA teen overnight summer camp. My favorite memory was going disco roller skating because it was so much fun to dance and skate at the same time! I can happily say that SMA has made me a more open person, and has helped me to accept everyone for who they are. The counselors here are really cool and awesome. They are like paid campers but they are responsible (at least most of them are). I made so many new friends who I know I can trust with anything. I would love to keep in touch with them. SMA is my summer home and I love it so much. I will never forget the awesome memories I have made here and I really hope that I can come back next year.




Here at Stone Mountain Adventures teen sleepaway summer camp I enjoyed making friends with everybody here. I tried some new and exciting activities, while going on activities that I have tried before. I know I got to experience the true nature of the camp and I will never forget the good times roller blading and White Water Rafting with my friends. Although different ages, we speak and act in similar ways. I hope I will be able to revisit Stone Mountain Adventures in 2015.


SMA is great! I’ve been here for 6 weeks and I don’t want to leave. It’s so easy to make friends here, and really easy to get along with your cabin. SMA makes everything fun, even doing the dishes. I’ve learnt that you can be yourself here and no one judges you. I can’t wait to come back next year!


The second session of this year was a lot of fun! I’ve tried a lot of new activities and I’ve met new people. I’ve also learnt how to live with people who don’t have the same habits as me. White Water Rafting was great because the weather was awesome this time around and my raft captain, Tom was awesome. I love Tom as I love all the other counselors but I felt really close to Roy and Brenna after we learnt Sign Language. My bunk this session was amazing and I’ve had some great conversations with all the girls in Mattawanna, as well as with the counselors Ali, Fish and Brenna. I’m so excited to be coming back next year maybe for a longer time.  SMA is a great Horseback Riding Teen Summer Camp 



This was only my second year at SMA and I had the best time, even better than last year! I have made so many new friends and rekindled friendships that I made last year. It was such an awesome opportunity to be able to participate in WakeMasters this session. I had an amazing time on the boat with everyone and being able to Wakeboard and Belly Whomp! Also, warm fuzzy: #YOLO! I have had a lot of fun with the counselors too, and I am going to miss them all. I hope to come back next year and enjoy all the privileges of being a third year!


This has been one of my best summers ever! It made the worst year of my life a little better and I will never forget a single day of this experience. My favorite activity was Rock Climbing; I did it 5 times! I made some great friends and I hope I can stay in touch with them. This is by far the best camp I have ever been to and I still can’t believe I sang in the Talent Show! I also went Canoeing for the first time in my life and Rafting for the first time in six years. I really wish that I didn’t have to leave but I do, so I hope that I can come back next year.


This session was by far my most memorable year. I’ve had such a great session that I can’t even. I’ve made so many new friendships. SMA is seriously a safe haven for so many people and it’s so amazing that words can’t describe the magic of this place.




Some of the best memories that I have had here at SMA were all of the times the staff and campers shared their warm fuzzies and cold pricklies. I have learnt that it is important to make new friends. The counselors are really fun, exciting and nice to hang out with and they cheer me up when I’m sad. I have become friends with a lot of people and they are all nice and fun to be around. My favorite activities were sleeping, sleeping, and sleeping. Van rides were always fun and I always looked forward to them. I will remember everything at SMA and I am excited to see all the friends that I have made next year.


I think my favorite memory would have to be White Water Rafting with Lindsay. Being from France, being at SMA definitely helped with my English. I like all of the counselors because they are always here for us no matter what. My favorite activities were rafting, capture the flag, sailing, the wakeboarding overnight and art studio. I remember that when I found the flag in capture the flag I was so happy! I also made a lot of friends here. I want to come back next year but I don’t know if I can. I just have one thing to say and it’s: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING!


This was my 3rd summer at SMA Teen Camp and every year has been truly fantastic. I have made so many friends throughout the years and bonded with many counselors. One of my favorite memories was watching the Talent Show with Olivia Bo. and her crying with laughter because of the counselor’s ‘Yoga’. I remember waiting all year to come back and I’m sure it will happen this year, too. Everything was extremely fun, from van rides to and from the Yough with Louis and T-Money, to paper plates with all the 3rd, 4th and 5th years. I’m so glad Matt F. was able to come back for more of his awesome dance parties and I will miss him so much next year when he’s at college. I can’t wait for next year and my memories of SMA will be with me forever.


SMA has changed me in so many ways. I’ve learnt to become myself, be more outgoing and positive, and I have also made lifelong friendships along the way. Here, I’ve become more independent, and have also discovered a passion for Water Skiing, Mountain Biking, and Rock Climbing too. I’m very grateful for the counselors who have pushed me to become better, and the counselors who have really helped me along the way – kudos to Roy, Lindsay, and Ali. In addition, the friendships I’ve made here are amazing – Jin, Campbell. Lydia, Ben, Jakob, Emily, Arianna, and many more. Thanks for everything throughout the years. I’ll never forget all the crazy and amazing memories I’ve made here since I started here three years ago. I’m so grateful to be here, and I can’t wait for next session!




I have made many memories at this camp during my two sessions here. Rock Climbing was really fun and I got to the top of one of the hardest climbs, even though it took half an hour! All of the counselors here are amazing and have really cool backgrounds – some of them are from different countries and Hot Sauce plays so many different instruments. Van rides are really fun because you listen to music really loud. I love how we get to pick what activities we get to do like Wakeboarding/Waterskiing with Lindsay who is awesome at driving the boat. White Water Rafting was also awesome! SMA 2014 Session 3 was amazing!


This has been my second year at SMA and it’s been another great summer. I’m proud to say that this session has been a drama free one and that I’ve met so many new people. I was really nervous when I first arrived thinking there were not going to be ANY returners from last year… but when I pulled up on that first day and saw Ali I was so happy. It was great to see so many returning counselors, but I was pretty upset that not a lot of them stayed. Yet the new counselors were really nice and meeting them made me feel a lot better about the summer. One of my favorite memories here was when Zoe couldn’t stop laughing on a canoeing trip. Daniel and Zoe made the boat tip so many times I kept getting anxiety! I never want to leave my friends this summer. Something I expect next year is seeing more returning and returning counselors as well. I really love the counselors this year and the ones from last year, but I’ll miss them a lot when I leave. I did learn something more than just trying to have fun. I learnt that you should live in the moment and stop worrying about the future because it hasn’t happened yet. I will remember all these things and the campers who made this the best summer yet! P.S. The Yough River was one of the best rafting experiences ever. LONG LIVE THE GRIZZLIES : Jessica, Mia, Kyle, Louis, Alyna and Katie! Rawr!


This session was great, like always. I’m so excited for T-Money to visit. Rafting was hard until T-Money lead us (#LindsayIsAHorribleCaptain). Kyle and I had a great time on the overnight messing Spencer’s knee (#Sorry #I’llMissYouSpencer). Louis and I were awesome bros and I definitely won our fight (#StrongWomen). I’ll miss this group a lot. I’ll see you in 5 years when I’m a counselor!


I love SMA. I always change into a different person at camp. I was surprised I didn’t turn into the same girl I thought I would. I was in Little J again and I love that cabin so much! When I came to camp on the first day I was so happy to see Ali, Lucy and Lindsay from last year, but I’m also sad that this is Lindsay’s last year. I don’t want her to leave. I hope Ali and Lucy will come back next year. I wish I could have discovered this camp when I was younger, then I would have been able to come for longer. I have opened up so much at camp this summer, and have also met so many girls I love dearly and don’t want to leave. I will miss Becca and Olivia so much!


3rd session was amazing. Well, 2nd and 3rd were so great it felt like they merged together and just 1 session! I wish I did more activities but I still had fun. I had a lot of firsts this session, it’s funny because last 3rd session was a session of firsts too! I feel like I became more open and forward and I think it helped me feel like people were more comfortable around me, and if not then I felt more comfortable around others. I met great people this session and knew some amazing people from the 2nd session. One person I’d like to give a shout out to is Noe. Thanks for always making me feel better after I was sad! Colombe, you also made me feel better when I missed some people. I love this horseback riding summer camp. I don’t have words to explain how awesome this session was. It was so fun but passed by too quickly.





Reflections from our Star Staff Team of 2014

Stone Mountain Adventures!



Having never been to a summer camp before starting at SMA I didn't know what to expect at the beginning of session 1. However, coming into session 3 I was excited to see what the two weeks had in store for me. I have so many memories, including the canoeing overnight with Roy and Lucy and a bunch of awesome campers, and the Grease Skit at the Talent Show. (I think I liked it more than the campers did). But the one thing that sticks is that I have never felt more at home than I have while being at SMA. This place definitely holds a certain magic and I couldn't be more thankful that I was chosen to spend my summer working here. 



I’m so sad camp is over, but we ended it on a high note with session 3. It’s been a great summer with so many new friendships and memories. Stone Mountain Adventures is a special place that everyone should experience. The highlight for me was the boat this session. It was just so much fun to teach the kids about an activity they have no experience with and see them excel immediately. Having my brother here was also special because he got to experience all the things that I talked about when I came home from last summer. SMA will always be a part of me and something I can look back on as an extremely positive part of my life.


Hot Sauce

Session Three here at Stone Mountain Adventures was unique and amazing in the sense that there were a lot of 3rd and 4th year returning campers as well as new campers. I had the privilege of being a bunk captain of Tussey – the youngest boy’s cabin – which is great because I get to know the youngest and newest campers here and make them feel as home. The activities I was involved in the most were canoeing, hiking, music activities and work around the farm. I love being out on the water and this session I was able to hit the river and lake quite a bit. Activities went great because of the added support and leadership of the 3rd and 4th year campers and the excitement was amazing because of the new campers. We took trips down the little Juniata River and Raystown Lake branch as well as volleyball tournaments at Greenwood Furnace and Whipple Dam… Team names were a huge part of boating and sport -  names such as “Emily and the Hostiles,” “Viking ship 9,” “Speed boat one” and our infamous Yough boat “the Fab Five” all claimed their mark in SMA history.

Sadly, every session eventually comes to an end and it never is easy. In fact this session has been the toughest yet because some of the campers have been here since the beginning, or longer than just one session. I am going to miss everyone a lot however, there are a bunch staying over for the last session which will be exciting and fun getting to know everyone better and them getting to know each other better as well.




Session 3 was incredibly rewarding!  I had great times with all the campers and staff especially when biking, sailing, white water rafting, playing football (AKA soccer), ultimate frisbee, canoeing, doing art studio, playing softball and swimming.  I also learned more about American culture this session.  The campers taught me a lot and I loved sleeping in the cabin with the campers. 


As a returning counselor, Session 3 of 2014 brought a huge smile to my face - so many campers were returners from my previous year! And as returning campers, I saw many familiar faces take on the important role of setting the tone and encouraging new campers to throw themselves head-first into the craziness that is Stone Mountain Adventures. Within a few days I saw old friends branch out and make new friends, campers walking around unprompted in bunk junk, and the general camp silliness and energy that I have always loved. It's truly amazing to me how quickly we all become family here; the days feel long but the weeks fly by. Six weeks into my second summer as a counselor and sometimes I just have to ask myself, where did the time go? I am thankful for each day and very much look forward to another amazing session to round off this summer!


I had a blast being a counselor for the AWESOME campers in Session 3! They were all superstars! From going to each activity to the trip to the Yough, we had a blast!  My favorite activity to take camper on is to Raystown Lake for wakeboarding and watersking. It amazes me every time to see campers get up and love it so much! Session 3, SMA 2014 has been a session to remember. 



Session 3 2014 was an absolutely incredible session.  This group hit their stride pretty early in the session, making for a great two weeks of fun and silliness.  It's been amazing to be back at the farm after six years away and get the chance to watch and experience the SMA magic all over again. Even though the farm has changed in many ways since I was a camper, SMA still provides the space for kids to grown, learn, and be themselves and I feel blessed to be able to be a part of that again. This session had so many high points for me.  The crazy Alex's lemonade stand in which we raised over $100, an amazing rock climbing overnight at Shaffer rocks, and the incredible team muppets on the Yough to name a few.  I want to thank all the campers and staff for making this an amazing session and for bringing the SMA magic back into my life!





Third session has been amazing. We had so many returning campers and lots of new ones as well. It was awesome to see many of the veterans grow close to first year campers, making them feel comfortable away from home and excited about camp activities. There was never a dull moment the past two weeks, from dance parties in the rhino, to impulsive sing alongs, to frisbee on the front lawn. I really enjoyed getting to know everyone and hearing their stories. I hope I can stay in touch with as many campers as possible since they were such a wonderful group to work with. Shout out to my Mattawana ladies! You guys are an incredible bunch and I loved being your bunk captain (even with all of the late nights). Keep in touch everyone!


Session 3 will be remembered this summer for the high amount of returning campers from previous SMA summers. With a large group of returning campers, it was a great opportunity for our new campers to have an understanding of how much Stone Mountain Adventures can have a positive effect on somebody’s life. The returning campers gave the camp this year high levels of enthusiasm and excitement to all activities, which you could see rubbing off on the new campers. My favorite part of session 3 was seeing how much SMA meant to the returning campers, and the fact that I was able to be apart of the SMA family.



3rd Session waterski overnights were great this session. We camped right on the lake with the boat parked in front of the tents. We set up hammock city and relaxed before dinner. One of my favorite activities is skipping rocks at sunset when the water is smooth.  Love camping at the lake and looking forward to another session!



I look forward to our Yough trip every session and this session's trip did not disappoint. Despite a little chilly weather, SMA took the river with some energy! We flew down the river singing, chanting and every so often doing some paddling. The boat that I captained was dubbed the Sexy Grizzly Raft and was filled with a bunch of all-star rafters with no short supply of spirit. It was the best Yough trip I've had yet!



This session was so awesome with all the activities and the campers that did them. The first day of climbing was great, we set up Triceps and everybody did great on the climbs. One day we had a bet where we tried to climb the tree next to the rocks but nobody could do it but we all had a good laugh trying to do it. Canoeing down the Little J was a great time, we had a couple canoes flip but we were able to get them right side up and back on the river. This was a great session with lots of laughs and memories with new friends!



Returning to SMA as a counselor was an incredible experience. Even though camp has changed some in the past few years (new buildings, new campers, etc.), the magic of Stone Mountain has remained the same. It has been amazing to reconnect with this place, and to share that SMA experience with a new generation of campers. The daily enthusiasm from both campers and staff for everything we do is absolutely contagious, and there’s never a dull moment. It was awesome to spend so much time rock climbing with the campers. Watching you all challenge yourselves on the rocks was inspiring, and I definitely learned from how everyone else was able to push themselves. Rock on!!



Session 3 was amazing. With a strong group of returning campers and excited first timers, this session was the full SMA experience. The kids approached each activity and tradition, from party washes in the kitchen to bunk junk to disco rollerskating and beyond, with enthusiasm that reminded me every day why being a counselor at SMA is the best job on the planet. It felt like I spent two weeks hanging out with 50 younger siblings. From the deep conversations to the practical jokes, SMA 2014 session 3 was a family. Thanks to everyone for making camp a home!



The start of Session 3 was the half way point of the summer for me, and it was going in scarily fast. At this point of the summer I just wanted to enjoy every moment and cherish every connection. Session 3 was at full capacity and we had a lot of new campers arrive for this one. The energy in this session was awesome and with a large amount of returning campers from pervious years it didn’t take long at all for the group to gel, rekindle old friendships and make new ones. It still amazed me to see the campers grow and push themselves. In particular when I was rock-climbing with the campers I loved to watch them push themselves, get that few feet higher and see the feeling of accomplishment they got from challenging themselves. One of the highlights of this session for me was the wake-boarding overnight at the beautiful Raystown Lake. I loved to spend time with campers by the