Stone Mountain Adventures: Summer Camps for Teens

SMA Camper & Staff Refection Packets are now available on our Website!

Written by Jud Millar | Wed, Nov 23, 2011

November 5, 2011

We have made our Camper & Staff Reflections Packets available on our web site. Right now we have SMA1, SMA2 and SMA3 from 2011 and SMA1 from 2010. In the weeks ad months to come we hope to make more available online!

The Reflection Packets are located under the ”ALUMNI” Tab.

What is a Camper & Staff Reflection Packet?

On the last full day of the session we asked each member of our group to take a few moments and reflect about his or her experience at Stone Mountain Adventures. Staff then take time to write about each activity that we do and we combine these along with group & cabin pictures into on big file.

Here is an example of one “Camper Reflection”:

Felice Oltuski, New York, NY, Age 16

Summing up the way I feel about SMA is virtually impossible but I have to give it a try… Coming to SMA my first year I had just finished my freshman year of high school; I was shy, awkward and overall uncomfortable with who I was. I came here needing a fresh start, a place where I could simply start over but what I got that summer was so much more. SMA didn’t let me “start over” instead SMA embraced who I already was and helped shape who I wanted to become. It became my safe haven where I could be crazy, silly, outgoing, quirky, and even a place where I could embrace multple identities like “Sheneyney” or “Felix”! It terrifies me that after 3 years of coming here and knowing that I’ll always have my SMA family to lean back on that it’s over and I can’t come back. But if there’s one think I’ve learned from you Jud is that SMA surpasses the farm, trouble rock, Diane, Music Jam & all the other awesome activities… SMA is something within us. It’s something we embody when we let ourselves be silly, when we challenge ourselves on adventure activities, & when we accept & love one another for just being out true selves. Jud, Anne, Counselors, campers, support staff, dogs, cats, horses, chickens: you have given me more than I could ever ask for in my time at SMA. I only ask one more thing: please, Please, PLEASE keep the incredible, magical spirit of SMA alive so people can continue to experience the magic of SMA like I have. Campers: enjoy every minute of camp, it goes by way too fast. You are all my sisiters & brothers & I hope you know home much I care about all of you. Just remember to embrace who you are because if there is ever a time to be yourself, to discover yourself, it’s here at SMA. You won’t regret it, in fact it may just be the most important thing you ever do… trust me, I speak from experience!