Stone Mountain Adventures: Summer Camps for Teens

Here is the 2021 SMA Session 1 Slideshow!

Written by Jud Millar | Fri, Sep 3, 2021

All of us at Stone Mountain Adventures are SO EXCITED to share the Session 1, 2021 Slideshow





Reflections from campers this summer:


These two weeks have been a formative experience for me. I had to make friends quickly, settle into a new environment and acclimate to new rules and practices. I had a great time whitewater rafting and chilling in Rothrock. This year was my first time doing wake masters, and I had a great time learning how to wakeboard and chatting on the boat. I also love the animals at SMA especially Buckets, the thiqq kitty, and Comet the most majestic dog I have ever met. I love SMA and look forward to coming next year. I love the people and the history here, and of course I love the tea and jokes that come with SMA. Thanks to all of the counselors (except the ones who were part of the water war) that aided in creating this safe and inclusive environment.



Camp this year was a trip! I think that the most important thing I realized is that things are unpredictable, but you should expect how everything plays out. Go with the flow. Don’t get hung up on how you thought things were gonna be. Don’t let one thing going wrong blind you from all the connections with people and all the fun memories you could be making, because SMA is a great place, and there’s always a ton of people who would love to be your friend. You just have to be open to it.

Even though I’m a 3rd year, this year has been the first where I actually saw why everyone loves this place so much.. People love it here for the community and the relaxed nature and how it’s so easy to find people who genuinely care about you. Shout out to my Little Jay girls! I love all of them so much, and thanks for comforting me. I love you all!