Stone Mountain Adventures: Summer Camps for Teens

Runners complete 224 mile + Boston Marathon run for Summer Camp

Written by Jud Millar | Sat, May 10, 2014

Runners Larry Grogin and John Renaldo complete 224 mile + Boston Marathon run for Hole in the Wall Gang Summer Camp

This article was posted in the "Summer Camp Culture Blog" by Matt Ralf

Running in a marathon is no small feat. Running in the Boston Marathon, one of the most prestigious races in the world requires more than just the endurance to finish – you have to qualify first. Running 224 miles to get to the starting line takes things to a whole other level. But that’s what Larry Grogin and John Renaldo did to raise money for The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp in Connecticut. Grogin and Renaldo ran 224 miles from their home in Franklin Lakes, N.J. to the start line of the marathon and capped off the 250-mile journey by completing the race last year’s bombings prevented Grogin from finishing.

Grogin and Renaldo started the run on April 13 and, according to news reports, had to endure some extreme weather conditions along the way while running 32 miles over a seven-hour period each day. Their efforts helped Team Hole in the Wall surpass $410,000 in funds raised for the camp for children with serious illness that was founded by late actor and philanthropist Paul Newman.