Stone Mountain Adventures: Summer Camps for Teens

SMA2 Decision Delayed + COVID19 Protocol Update

Written by Jud Millar | Thu, Jun 11, 2020

We are close to making a decision about the SMA Summer of 2020 but we are not there yet:

  • On Friday, June 5th Governor Tom Wolf announced that 12 PA Counties would move to the Green Phase. Unfortunately, Huntingdon County was not one of them and remains in the Yellow Phase due to cases in the 2 state penitentiaries located in our county. 
  • We have been advised to delay making a decision until Saturday, 6/20 to make a decision about SMA Session 2. That will give us all 22 days notice If we can or cannot run that session. 
  • Read about PA Governor’s Red, Yellow Green Phase Re-Opening Plan and how it affects Stone Mountain Adventures.

SMA COVID19 Protocol Update

Our conversations with Public Health Epidemiologist from Penn State Cara Exten have been very thorough. We continue to evaluate the recommendations for overnight camps from the CDC, the American Camp Association and PA Dept of Health. We are working to create a SMA COVID19 Protocol Document which will give a very detailed outline of how exactly we can run Stone Mountain Adventures safely this summer.  You can expect the SMA COVID19 Protocol Document to be in your inbox next week.

Important changes for the SMA Summer of 2020:

As part of our "Prevention" protocol we are asking the following from everyone attending camp:

  • A 2-week personal quarantine for each camper prior to opening day. If it is absolutely necessary for the camper to leave the house, they will be expected to take proper precautions including: wearing a mask, maintaining social distancing, avoiding touching their faces, and washing their hands thoroughly upon return.
  • Completion of a digital survey a few days before camp asking about the camper's exposure during those two weeks.
  • We are strongly recommending that campers get swab tested within those two weeks prior to camp, this is not a requirement as not everyone has access to testing facilities.
  • A written log of temperatures taken every day during the two week quarantine, all the way through to the morning of opening day (we will provide a template for you to use and ask that you hand it over upon arrival to the farm). If the camper shows a high temperature at any point within those two weeks, they will be required to get swab tested.
  • The counseling staff will also be quarantining for 2 weeks prior to the opening of camp.

The following will be part of our "Detection" protocol:

  • A temperature will be taken upon arrival and each morning for your daughter's stay at the farm. (Don't worry, we will make it fun and avoid becoming "COVID Camp")

We will be sending an updated "recommended packing list" which will include:

  • 2 reusable masks
  • 1 pack of bleach-based cleaning wipes (these will be used by your camper to clean their bunk space during our daily camper-cabin cleanup activity)
  • Hand sanitizer to use during down-time
  • Hand lotion (hand washing and sanitizing can leave your hands dry!)