Stone Mountain Adventures: Summer Camps for Teens

Our Dedicated Staff are the Backbone of SMA Teen Summer Camp

Written by Jud Millar | Thu, Mar 26, 2015
One of our greatest strengths at our teenage summer camp is the staff we hire to be summer camp counselors. Dynamic, responsible, skillful, fair and funny – our staff listens, cares and treats everyone with respect. They put the needs of the campers first. Campers who stay for either 2 weeks or 8 weeks often comment on the genuine friendships that are formed with our camp counselors, the magical memories that are shared, and the feeling of family that’s created. The average age of our camp counselors is 25. All staff must be at least 21 years of age and have a minimum certification in CPR and First Aid. Stone Mountain adventures is a co-ed, overnight teen summer camp for 12 to 16 yearolds and our camp counselors are an integral part of what makesSMA a terrific place for teens.

Stone Mountain Adventures Teenage Summer Camp Counselors…

  • They’re fair, skillful, and funny.
  • They listen, care, and love to play.
  • They are there for you in their actions, thoughts, and words.
  • This is what they love; playing is their passion.

Individuals who have an interest in working with children and teens might consider starting out with summer jobs as camp counselors. Guiding campers in outdoor and indoor activities, these counselors strive to make the camp experience safe and fun. Although there aren't stringent degree requirements for camp counselor positions, camp-related educational programs are available.

Job Duties of a Camp Counselor

Camp counselors supervise camp activities and develop recreational plans. Their job duties include guiding teenagers and children in camping, swimming, hiking and other outdoor pursuits. Counselors at residential camps are responsible for leading groups of campers in activities such as horseback riding, rock climbing canoeing and staging talent shows.

Other job responsibilities of camp counselors at SMA non-competitive teen summer camp include enforcing safety rules in the camp and knowing where the campers are at all times. The camp counselors are responsible for the health and safety of their charges, and they lead campers in fire drills and emergency procedures. Counselors may organize camping trips, plan and schedule group activities, provide emotional support, greet new campers and explain all the rules of the camp.

It is the job of camp counselors to oversee all day-to-day activities. At SMA overnight teen summer camp counselors assist campers with meal times, cleaning up cabins and getting ready for bed. They must ensure that all campers are dressed properly for the weather and the recreational activities they'll participate in on any given day. A good counselor should learn their campers' likes and dislikes and gear them towards activities in which they'll excel.

Camp at SMA teen sleep away summer camp counselors should be prepared to work night and weekend hours, because supervision of the campers' cabins is also needed during these times. Many camp counselor positions are only available on a seasonal or part-time basis.


Many camp counselors are young people themselves, and therefore college degrees aren't required for all positions, however at SMA Teen Summer Camp all camp counselors must be 21+ years old. Camp counselors do need to have good moral character, patience and a high level of maturity. Camp counselor sat SMA Teen adventure camp should possess leadership skills as well.

Camp Counselors at SMA Mountain Biking Summer Camp should have some expertise and experience in the activities they'll instruct, such as kayaking, drama, music or tennis. Counselors at SMA Teen Horseback Riding Summer Camp should be physically fit and in good general health.



Staff Profile:

Name: Kelly Christie

Age: 23

Hometown: Indiana, Pennsylvania

Education: Bachelor of Science Secondary Education The Pennsylvania State University

Most fun and rewarding thing about working at SMA: I love dressing up silly, spending time in the outdoors, and driving the power boat. Getting to know all of the campers and forming a family unit through everything we experience together is extremely rewarding.

Why do you love teaching wakeboarding? There really is nothing better than seeing campers get on the wakeboard for the first time, they feel such a sense of accomplishment. Also seeing veterans attempting new tricks / flips because the look on their faces says it all.