Campers choose their own activities at Stone Mountain Adventures. We’re a summer camp for teens, and we feel it’s important that our campers have as much control over their summer as possible. So, each evening after dinner we gather for an “all-camp” meeting, during which campers get to choose from a variety of activities for the next day’s morning and afternoon activity slots. Director Jud maintains a balance of water sports, adventure activities, traditional sports, and creative arts for campers to choose from each day. Learn more about the specific activities we offer at SMA here!
When it comes time to choose activities for the next day, Director Jud has a unique and fair method for selecting participants for an activity. At the center of the circle of campers, he will throw/spin a shoe in the air and select participants by how close they are standing to the imaginary line extending from the shoe’s big toe. Even if you don’t get chosen by the shoe for a specific activity, don’t fear! Every camper will get to participate in all the activities they want at some point during the session.
"At the other camps I have attended I had to give my top 3 choices then my counselor handed me my “camp activity schedule” when I arrived at camp. I love that I get to choose my own activities every day at SMA!”
Spencer Moore, Lake Forest, IL