Director Jud's Blog

SMA Teen Summer Camp Session 1 - 4th 'O July Weekend Update (#2)

Posted by Jud Millar on Sun, Jul 5, 2015

It has been a fantastic first week here at Stone Mountain Adventures! Campers have participated in activities ranging from rock climbing, to hiking, to sailing and have had a blast the whole time. Things here at camp started off great with a night of “Jud Games” and ice cream.  Since then we’ve played many muddy games of ultimate frisbee, soccer, and touch rugby.  On Tuesday our older campers visited Penn State University and got the chance to learn about the college process.  Following that, our first two overnights went out on Tuesday afternoon and spent great times biking and sailing at Raystown Lake.  The night was filled with campfire stories and mountain pies, our favorite overnight dinner! Back at camp, the campers enjoyed a quiet night watching a movie and had one of the best party washes of the summer!


The following night with everyone back at camp we had our famous Invention Convention, during which campers dressed up in silly outfits and performed skits.  Other highlights of the week include the Horsemasters attending an awesome horseshow in Happy Valley with Pam and Horsemaster Haley and two more awesome overnights.  One took place on the shores of  Raystown Lake and one was a rock climbing overnight at Bilger’s Rocks.  With more campers out on overnights on Thursday night, the crew back at camp headed up to the Peace Chapel in Huntington for a special evening meeting followed my ice cream. 


 We rounded out the week with some great afternoon activities on Friday, including a canoe trip down the Raystown branch of the Little Juniata River and a awesome hike in Trough Creek State Park.  Last night we had a jam packed night, with the start of secret friends, disco bowling in Huntington, and some special sparklers and fireworks on the front lawn in honor of the 4th of July weekend!


 Today marks the half way point of session one and we are super excited to be celebrating the 4th with an All Camp Day! Campers are spending the morning cleaning their cabins and performing skits before we head out in the afternoon to do community service and give back to the awesome community in which we live.  Campers will be helping to maintain and ride the SMA bike trail, run lemonade stands for Alex’s Lemonade Foundation, and play bingo at the Sherylsberg Retirement Home.  Following our afternoon of service, we will all meet up at Greenwood Furnace State Park for an evening and BBQ at the lake.  We will finish off our night with candlelight meetings back at camp, a SMA Overnight Summer Camp tradition in which we reflect on all of the amazing things that have happened during the past week and begin to look forward to the week ahead. 


 As we enter the second week of session 1, we are gearing up for lots and lots of more awesome activities, including our all camp trip whitewater rafting down the Youghiogheny River and a trip to the Amish Market.  We are super excited for what lies ahead and cannot wait for lots of more amazing activities and laughs as we head into the second week of the SMA Teen Summer Camp Session 1!


 Don’t forget to Facebook Friend “Judson Millar” to view random camper and staff photos throughout the upcoming week.  All of us here at Stone Mountain Adventures 2 Wee Summer Camp wish you a safe and Super Fun 4th of July Weekend!



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