SMA Teen Summer Camp Director and Owner Jud Millar will be traveling north to attend a Summer Opportunities Camp Fair hosted by the Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts. The Summer Opportunities Camp Fair will be help on Sunday, January 27, 2019 from 12pm to 3pm. The will be the 29th year that the Phillips Academy has hosted this camp fair. This fair is designed to give middle and high school students and their families the chance to meet with representatives from approximately 100 local, national and international summer programs. A wide range of programs will be represented here, including those that focus on academics, language study, community service, sleepaway teen camps, sports, mountain biking summer camps for teenagers, arts, research, internships, outdoor adventure, and international travel.
What: Summer Opportunities Camp Fair
When: Sunday, January 27, 2019 from 12pm to 3pm
Where: The Phillips Academy, 180 Main St, Andover, MA 01810