Winter and now the holiday season is already here... it seems like just a few weeks ago we were planning the Session 3 Crew Olympics and playing "Jud Games" on the front lawn. It’s hard to believe that the Stone Mountain Adventures Teen Summer of 2013 ended about four months ago. Since then the leaves on the trees have changed color and fallen off and, as I write this, the temperature outside is a chilly 16 degrees. More snow is expected this weekend!
The rhythm of the seasons brings familiar change and now that the first snow fall and inaugural sled riding on Pam and Biff’s hill have come and gone, in general, we spend more time inside stoking the wood stove than outside “playing.” With shorter days and longer nights it’s a little harder to get outside and easier to curl up with a book. But the winter world is beautiful and peaceful and gives new perspective on a familiar landscape. Stone Mountain Adventures Teen Summer camp in now blanketed by snow.