On Saturday, 9/7/19 the Access Fund hosted and Adopt a Crag event at Donation Rocks. Local Author and Climbing Enthusiast Ken Hull was instrumental in the organization of this event. He wrote the following “Thank You Letter” to everyone who was involved in making this incredible event happen. Here is the letter:
“I want to take this opportunity to THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH for your time and hard work to improve access and trails within the Donation Rocks property!!! Not only was I thrilled with how hard you all worked, but quite honestly, I was blown away by the quality of the work and what an absolutely 100% difference it made in all four of the work areas!!!
To the Lower Access Trail Team: The new trail is sooooo much better than the one it replaced! The older one caused many butt landings (including me!) and would eventually see lots of erosion. Team Leader Kate, you and your crew did a fantastic job!!! The new trail is easier to navigate, way safer, more sustainable, looks awesome, and the sign relocation was brilliant. THANK YOU!!!
To the Upper Access Trail Team: It was only a couple weeks ago that some climbers told me they had no idea there was even a trial from the upper parking lot to the main rocks. It was so grown over that it wasn't even visible! It was also a hazard, and the potential for erosion damage farther along next to the stream was high. Team Leader Chris, you, Ryan and crew did such an amazing job!!! Your work has made the trail obvious, more inviting, easier to navigate, less chance of erosion, and your sign relocation was also brilliant! THANK YOU!!!
To the Main Wall Logging Crew and Switchback Trail Crew: WOW! To move all those downed tree trunks and branches into a nice, neat, orderly pile was one thing, but to utilize many of them into trail edge boundaries was incredible! Not only that, but many of you moved untold pounds of rocks up the trail for "gargoyling" the existing switchback trail steps. Our comrade Alex even broke one finger tip and smashed another in the process of moving a giant rock but kept on working! The upper switchback crew under the leadership of Lauren improved and defined the trail to a level that you would think it's a National Park! THANK YOU!!!
To Organic Climbing (aka Josh Helke): 20 subs were given out to volunteers with a few leftover to provide a couple lunches for Chris and Kate's journey ahead! THANK YOU!!!
To Standing Stone Coffee Company: College students don't always do well at 8:30am on a Saturday morning - well, me neither. Your contribution of four pumpers of coffee was just what we needed to start a great day of great work! THANK YOU!!!
To My Sister, My Wife, and Flour Box Bakery: What yummy breakfast goodies!!! Whoa! Another great start to a great day! THANK YOU!!!
To ClearWater Conservancy & Purple Lizard Maps: The raffle was fun and your contributions were much appreciated! THANK YOU!!!
To Jud Millar: THANK YOU!!! For making climbing at Donation Rocks available via Stone Mountain Adventures!
To the Access Fund: Your ethos to protect and preserve America's climbing areas was put into practice this past weekend. You showed us with action and consideration that a little climbing crag in central PA called Donation Rocks is just as important to you and climbers as National Monuments like Bears Ears in Utah. THANK YOU!!!
To Frank & Cindy Bencsik: Your kindness and hospitality always amazes me! Thank you for sharing your property, house, food, and hospitality to Chris, Kate, me and Claire for four days! THANK YOU BASE CAMP BENCSIK!!!
To Chris and Kate Our Awesome Team Leaders: I hope your experience at Donation was not only rewarding but fun. You two are wonderful! You handled every aspect of our Adopt a Crag day with kindness, openness, integrity, knowledge, skill, and HARD WORK! You are both an asset to Access Fund and to all the crags you visit and help. You're also great climbers! Chris, thanks for helping us send that new 5.12 prowl off the Magic Mushrooms route! Hope to bolt that just as you suggested! THANK YOU!!!
To the Weather: THANK YOU!!! Could not have been a nicer day!
And finally, here's a photo album of the day. Donation Rocks Adopt a Crag 2019. Please let me know if you can't view. Please share with your fellow climbers.
Thanks Again Everyone!
Climb On!