A few weeks after the last of our 2012 campers & staff departed for the summer (see sad face) we had the honor of hosting a wedding between 2 former camp counselors Jen Watts Mattise and Patrick Arndt. Jen & Patrick met at SMA Teen Summer Camp in the summer of 2004. Jen worked with us at summer camp for a mind blowing 7 summers from 2000 to 2006. She worked as in the art studio when it was in the red shed and not in the barn. She also spent many summers on the boat teaching wakeboarding as well as instructing windsurfing & sailing. Her final 2 summers Jen was a member of our management team & spent time in the office & out on activities.
Patrick worked with us at SMA Teen Summer Camp from 2005 to 2005. The first year he split his time doing activities in the morning and cooking dinner every night. The following year he was a full time counselor specializing as our mountain biking man!
Jen & Patrick decided to return to SMA to "tie the knot" and it was a glorious event. The weather was perfect and the vibe was incredible! The wedding ceremony was held in the riding ring with the reception taking place in the covered barn yard after the horses were let our for the evening. Talk about a real summer camp wedding!
As Jen & Patrick met at camp there guests included many former SMA counselors that worked with them over the years. After the ceremony we gathered many of the former SMA counselors on the back steps of Staff Quarters for a group photo. Pictured in the photo are:
Jesse Cross-Call
Susan McCormick (formerly Jefferies)
Jud Millar
Rodd Kentwell
Sarah Millar
Zach Millar
Jen Nalwack
Gabe Millar
Susan Florczak
Beth Kuhl
Troy Houldin
Justin Packer
Brenton Mitchel
Martin Austermule
Colin Millar
"Red Beard" aka Matt Marsden
Thatcher Houldin
Jesse Mernin
Rich Latham
and or course Jen & Patrick Arndt
Also present at the wedding but not in the photo:
Anne Millar
Biff Houldin
Andy Arndt
Liza Hayes
Anne Saylor
Rodd Kentwell won the prize of traveling the furthest to get to the wedding as he & his partner Andrew flew in from Cairns, Australia. They were in the states for 3 weeks total and spent time in Las Vegas, New York City,Stone Mountain Adventures (of course), Niagara Falls & Chicago. Rodd spent 5 summers at SMA as a wakeboarding instructor. When I asked Rodd about his return to the farm he said "You know Jud, it's funny, I really feel like no time has passed. Sure there have been changes since I've been gone with the new Rhino Dining Hall, the addition onto Staff Quarters and that - but mostly this place just feels like home"
The marriage of Patrick & Jen was a fabulous event. I cannot think of a better way to cap off the fantastic summer of 2012 than to host a wedding for two former camp counselors. To know that Stone Mountain Adventures Teen Summer Camp had some role in bringing them together is incredible! It was so fun to see & connect with so many former SMA staff and it was especially special to see them all back at the farm together. On more than one occasion I was asked by some one "So Jud, what's today's evening activity?" My response was always the same... "Wedding Fun!"
Congratulations Patrick and Jen - all of us in the Stone Mountain Adventures Teen Summer Camp Family wish you the very best as you travel through this amazing life together!