As many of you know, at the end of each session at Stone Mountain Adventures Teen Summer Camp we ask campers & staff to take some time to “reflect” in writing on their experiences, accomplishments, challenges, friendships & memories. We then collect all these writings and type them up into one giant document and include cabin photos. We call these the “Reflection Packets”.
This years Camper & Staff Reflection packets for 1st, 2nd & 3rd Session are done! They were sent in the mail last week and many of you should have received them already. International campers, yours should be arriving soon.
We have also made these camper & staff reflection packets available here on our web site. The Reflection Packets are located under the ”ALUMNI” Tab.
Click HERE to go to the Reflections Packets on our web site!
Taking time to read these can be an incredible walk down memory lane for veteran campers & staff as well as give perspective families an insight into our world.
Jud & Anne Millar