This past Tuesday, the 15th of November was International Camp T-Shirt Day and many people in our awesome Stone Mountain Adventures community participated on social media. I was incredible to see how former and current SMA campers, counselors, alumni and family rallied together to make this a special day.
We had over 40 people post photos to Facebook and Instagram wearing their SMA T-shirts, Hoodies and even a water bottle
The age range of people in the photos was 6 months to 65 years+
We had posts from Sweden, Australia, The Netherlands, Israel, The United Kingdom and of course The United States of America
We had photos from 12 states including Massachusetts, Florida, Tennessee, New York, California, Illinois, Montana, Virginia, Colorado, Maryland, North Carolina and of course Pennsylvania!

It was surprisingly exciting to see so many people from so many different places all rally together to make this a great day!
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Summer Camps for teenagers in PA
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