The FrozenFat weekend was named as one of the top 10 winter activities to enjoy in Pennsylvania by, the official tourism website of Pennsylvania.
It’s going to be cold. There might be a foot of snow. Some ice might be thrown into the mix. There may be moments of misery, and, mid-ride, you will probably wonder what on earth you are doing. But as you sit by a bonfire and drink a craft brew at the end of the day, silently looking into the faces of all your bicycle brethren who are doing the same thing, there won’t be any question at all why you did it. And you would do it again in a heartbeat.
That’s why FROZENFAT, PA’s only fat-bike-only weekend, is back for its third year and continues to grow with a cult-like following. It attracts those with a penchant for brutal conditions and epic, off-the-beaten-path races, as well as those just looking for a fun time.
The event, which takes place the third weekend in January, kicks off with the unveiling of the course maps on Friday night at the local tavern, followed by Saturday’s 20-mile and 40-mile races. Some ride to win, while some simply ride. Either way, you’ll be in good company. But be prepared for anything, as the races are unsupported and, in some places, far from any cell phone service.
Saturday night’s bonfire provides an opportunity to thaw out (maybe) before Sunday Funday, also dubbed the “11 Stages of Enfattenment.” What exactly is it? Nobody really knows. You’ll just have to come and find out.
Expect the unexpected, and bring a positive attitude and your warmest gear. If you’re not having fun, it’s your fault.