Director Jud's Blog

Camp Director Jud Millar Hints on the Need for Reflection on New Year.

Posted by Jud Millar on Sat, Jan 2, 2016

We have decided that the best way to celebrate the arrival of 2016 is to look back on all the fun and special memories from the summer of 2015 at SMA Overnight Teen Camp. From canoeing overnights to dances, warm fuzzies to rock climbing, and from mountain bike adventures to dressing up in “bunk junk” for the “Alex’s Lemonade Stand” community service activity...we really had an epic summer!


Here at SMA Tween Summer Camp, it’s finally starting to feel like winter, but we are already thinking of ways to make next summer even more magical! Keep an eye on Jud’s Blog and the SMA Teen Summer Camp Facebook Page for events and updates about summer 2016!

If you want to look back at some of the incredible moments of SMA overnight teen camp 2015 you can:

We hope these will help take you and your camper back to warm, summer days of 2015 at SMA Tween Summer Camp! 


Happy New Year to you and yours! We can't wait to see you at Stone Mountain Adventures in 2016!


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Topics: Tween Summer Camp, Happy New Year, Overnight Teen Camp

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