The Stone Mountain Adventures (SMA) Fourth Session was an incredible experience for all involved. We have combined all of the photos that were take during each of the one week sessions into one awesome slideshow... enjoy!!
Aoife Munro
At first I was nervous to come, but shortly after I found myself at home. From the welcoming people to the amazing staff, it has been a truly unforgettable journey. I felt as if I grew & matured as an individual. I’ve done things that I never even dreamed of doing until I arrived. White Water Rafting was definitely one of them. I could go on and on about the laughs I had and the friends I made. Thank you SMA for one of the best summers yet!
Joseph Bildner
The experience at SMA has been a blast – the people here are very nice. One of my favorite activities was mountain biking. It was so cool that SMA has its own trails. Sometimes we’d go up to the trails and build trails, and sometimes go to other mountain biking trails and ride a lot – one day we rode for 8 miles! Another fun experience was white water rafting, I really enjoyed the rapids and overall it was fun. In conclusion SMA has been a fun experience and definitely worth the five hour drive!
Ginger Burke
The two weeks I spent here were super fun in every way. I really enjoyed playing Foosball with friends, walking around the county fair and seeing cute baby goats. Getting to sit next to Comet the dog during warm fuzzies, going on the wake boarding over night and eating mountain pies, listening to Harry Potter on the way too and from White Water Rafting, falling out of the raft, and even Crew was fun. I will miss all the people, activities & dogs at SMA a lot.