Here is the awesome SMA3 Slideshow... what a summer!
Elizabeth Feldstein-Nixon 15 MA
I’ve always disliked writing these reflections because it is nearly impossible to describe the magic of SMA Teen Summer Camp, but as I sit here writing my las reflection as a camper, I wish I could write so many more. 4 years, 10 sessions, and 140 days doesn’t feel like nearly enough time, but at the same time I’m so grateful to have been able to spend so many incredible summers here. This place has changed me, and I hope that I will be able to take what I have learned and use it back at home and in my future. This session has been an amazing ending note, with so many old and new campers. It’s been really cool to watch the first years fall in love with this place like I did. It’s sad to think that I won’t have this place to come back to next year, but I know that I’ll keep the people I’ve met and the memories I’ve made with me forever. I’ll miss the van rids, the party washes, overnights, stargazing, and even the long walk up the hill to Mattawanna. I’m thankful to everyone who has made the last 4 summers of my life unforgettable. I’ll never be able to thank you all enough.
Katrina Papierman 15 NJ
My camp experience at SMA has been 1 word: exciting. Each day has something new and I wake up wondering what new thing I will be doing that day. Honestly, I was not a huge fan of rock climbing – heights aren’t really my thing. However, having the opportunity to try out such a cool and scary activity was truly the fun part and belaying was still cool even if rock climbing wasn’t a great activity for me. The 1,000 step hike… first of all it was 1,137 steps so that was disappointing. But I enjoyed parts of the hike and getting to talk with some awesome people – while Ryan motivated us all to keep going. Also I have to say the view was breathtaking and absolutely beautiful. SUP n Sail was an experience – the water mat was a blast and just treading in the water and talking to people kept my mind occupied in the slightly warm water… Canoeing is now my activity of expertise – yes it literally is. Before I came here I had never canoed before – but for some reason I decided that when I went on a canoe overnight to pair up with another fellow never canoed before. But I have to say – it was super fun to hang out with Suzanne – she made lots of jokes and Antonio (the queen) definitely saved our boat from capsizing a few times over. Evening activities were a blast – I really enjoyed capture the flag – because it just made me happy to be running around at night. Lastly, the best food was the meatball and sauce/pasta meal. It was 100% superior to all the other feasts – There is purposely no period because all of the fun I’ve had can not fit into words.