It’s wild to think we are already 6 days into SMA session 2! – and what a 6 days it has been. We have crammed in many adventures and belly laughs into our session 2 summer days and we are certain there are many more in store.
There’s been energetic Jud Games, delicious ice cream, hilarious Invention Convention and funky Disco Rollerskating! There’s been tie dye, art studio, lazer tag and horse masters. There’s been team sports in the sun – kick-ball, ultimate frisbee and an intense volley ball tournament followed by a refreshing dip in the lake. Campers have been busting moves at the crags – rock climbing in the leafy shade at Donation Rocks, tearing up the Allegrippis (RIPPA RIPPA) trails at Raystown lake and skills park.
Out on the water campers have been stand up paddle boarding, sailing, belly womping, knee boarding, water skiing and wake boarding! Such awesome talent, learning, growth and fun! We have canoed on the peaceful little Juniata and hiked along the rocky ridge out to Hunter’s rocks seeking stunning overlooks.
The past few nights we put on our adventure pants and headed out on overnights - 2 wakeboarding overnights, a hiking and a canoeing overnight in and through Rothrock state forest. What a fabulous time – activity fun, great food and excellent company!
All camp day has been kicked off with a cheeky lie in, bagels, donuts; a cabin clean up, world cup themed staff and camper skits and this afternoon we’re heading out on fabulous community service projects – groups are heading out to: Shirleysburg home for the aged (BINGO!), Huntingdon Borough, SMA bike trail and a Lemonade stand for State College Women’s Resource Centre.
This evening there will be a cook out where we will fill our tummies before returning to camp for candlelight meetings – a wonderful and meaningful SMA tradition where campers and counselors alike reflect on their experiences and make personal goals for the future.
Imminent life at SMA will bring another awesome day of activities, the eagerly awaited camp dance and talent show, a trip to the Amish market and a crazy exciting day on the YOGHIEGHENY river! BRING IT ON!