We can't believe it's already All Camp Day for Session 1, 2023! We started off this summer with an enthusiastic group of 47 campers, 13 Camp Counselors and 4 AOP's and we are loving having so many staff and campers from all around the globe. Whether it is new campers or returners, we are on our way to making lifelong friends and memories. We are halfway through the session and have already sent out six overnights which include the much-anticipated rock climbing and wakeboarding overnights.
We have played a lot of team sports such as ultimate frisbee, kickball, pickleball, volleyball, newcome. Our sports are great in helping the campers get to know each other and help them build team work skills. Sports also help facilitate healthy communication among campers.
Wakeboarding, waterskiing, and knee boarding has been an awesome challenge for our wake masters and everyone else who have had the opportunity to be on the boat as well. Our boat staff has been so proud of all the progress our campers have made and are so excited to see what the next week will bring.
Though we don't offer horseback riding at Horsepower Farm anymore we still have found time to make the short trip down the road to Fox Run Riding for lessons both on and off the horse. Even though our campers range in horse experience all who went gained respect for the animals while also learning about horse care and responsibility.
We are so lucky to be present in the gorgeous scenery of central Pennsylvania and we sure make use of it. Hiking is something that all of our campers are able to experience at least once. We explore many different trails in the surrounding area with many different challenges and make sure to hit the 1000 step hike.
We have the privilege of owning and maintaining Donation Rocks, which is a short walk away.
Rock climbing is almost always readily available at Donation Rocks and campers are able to try many different routes while also taking on the responsibility of belaying each other.
The fun doesn't stop after dinner! We've been able to enjoy activities outside of camp, like ice cream and roller skating. We have also had a lot of fun with evening activities in camp, like Jud Games.
The first week of camp for summer 2023 has been amazing! We've had a ton of great activities and are ready for a ton more as we go to the second week. We can't wait for our campers to experience more and more new things every single day!