Have you ever heard of “The Great Smoothie Challenge”? This was a term that I had never heard of before my son Wyatt (10) asked me “Dad, can we do the Smoothie Challenge someday”. He explained the basic rules and I responded “Sure, sure – we’ll do that someday…” That was my way of putting him off and hoping that he would forget about it and move on to some other crazy idea. Not likely if you have ever met Wyatt Millar.
That was about 10 months ago and the Smoothie Challenge comes up about once a month since then in the Millar household. Wyatt’s younger sister Molly (8) has joined in the chorus as well. For some reason since SMA Teen Summer Camp ended on August 21, 2016 and elementary school began on August 26th, 2016 the Millar siblings have ratcheted up their pressure and mentioned the Smoothie Challenge about once a week. We’ve recently had some busy weekends which was a great excuse why not to do the challenge. However this past weekend was relatively quiet and was feeling particularly adventurous so on Sunday morning I announced: “Today is the day we do the Great Smoothie Challenge!” Wyatt and Molly were so excited they immediately started gathering ingredients and cutting out pieces of paper and putting them in my hat.
Here are the simple rules and just a reminder that this games is completely luck-based.
The rules are as follows:
- Find a partner you'd like to play with.
- Look for 10 good ingredients which you'd typically add to a smoothie.
- Look for 10 bad ingredients which would ruin the taste of a smoothie.
- Note down all the ingredients on separate papers and put in a hat.
- A player will now choose from the hat and add the ingredient noted on the paper into the blender.
- Both players will repeat the process until all the ingredients have been drawn from the hat.
- Once the ingredients have run out both players will blend their 'smoothies' with the help of a blender.
- Now the challenge for the players is to completely finish their smoothies… or do the best they can!
- Whoever finishes their smoothie first OR drinks the most wins!
Stone Mountain Adventures (SMA) is a co-ed overnight teen summer campfor 60 teenagers ages 12-16 located in the mountains of central Pennsylvania. We specialize in getting teens excited about life through:
- Water Sports
- Adventure Activities
- Traditional Sports
- Community Service
- Creative Arts
Our teen campers learn new skills, gain self confidence, make strong friendships and become members of our strong, value centered summer community. Things that our camp unique are we:
- Young Teen Focused Activities
- Choose Your Own Activities Everyday
- Adventures and Camping Overnights Out of Camp
- Campers increase self confidence and independence
- We Offer 2 Week Sessions that can be combined into 4, 6 or 8 Weeks