Stone Mountain Adventures 2 Week Summer Camp will be attending a camp fair at the Brookline High School in the Tappan Street Gym in Brookline, MA. The fair will be hosted by Steps to Success (STS), a comprehensive achievement program for students from low-income families, most of whom live in Brookline’s public housing and runs from 4pm to 6.30pm
What: A 2 Week Summer Camp Fair hosted by Steps to Success
Where: The Brookline High School, Tappan St Gym, 66 Tappan St, Brookline, MA
When: Sunday, January 11, 2015: 11am to 3pm
Steps to Success (STS) is a comprehensive achievement program for students from low-income families, most of whom live in Brookline’s public housing. Our goal is to make a “sea change” for all the young people in the population we serve. There are no academic filters. STS takes all comers, regardless of grade point average or motivation. Each year, STS serves approximately 300 young people in Grades 4-12 and, through our College Success Initiative (CSI), serve an additional 80 students in college or other post-secondary programs.
Summer Camp For Teens in PA
Stone Mountain Adventures (SMA) is a co-ed overnight teenage summer camp located in the heart of Central Pennsylvania. We offer young teenagers the opportunity to challenge themselves to step beyond their own abilities: to ride with confidence, to climb with technique,
- Co-Ed
- Ages 12 to 16
- Non-Denominational
- 2-, 4-, 6-, and 8-Week Sessions
- Water Sports
- Team & Individual Sports
- Adventure Activities
- Creative Arts
- Community Service
- Special Events and Trips
- co-ed overnight teen summer camp