Stone Mountain Adventures 3rd Session Campers arrived at camp this past Sunday, July 22nd. As new and returning campers arrived at camp for the opening day of third session, there was a mix of excited and nervous energy. That energy was quickly harnessed into action with camp counselors leading "ice-breaker" and team-building games.
And then the rains came... the good news for us at Stone Mountain Adventures is that our facility is location in a mountainous region of central Pennsylvania so we are in no danger of flash floods.
How do we deal with rainy days at SMA? With positive energy and action! There are some activities that must be modified or postponed because of heavy rain. However, most activities we just put the word "MUD" in front of them and run them anyway including:
Mud Soccer
Mud Mountain Biking
Mud Ultimate Frisbee
Mud Hiking
Mud Volleyball
and more!
Session 3 Call Days for Parents and Campers:
- Friday 7/27 from 12.30 to 1.30 and 5.30 to 7.30 (Please call 814-667-3874)
- Monday 7/30 from 12.30 to 1.30 and 5.30 to 7.30 (Please call 814-667-3874)
Phone Calls
Our phone call policy at SMA is that campers may receive or make phone calls once during each 2 week session (After the first week). Prior to the opening day of each session we will inform you of the times you may call your camper at SMA. We will have a boys and girls “call day” avoid jammed phone lines. Campers who arrive at camp on the SMA Camp Van will call home during the first 2 days of camp to verify they have arrived safely. Of course, you are always welcome to contact us for an update or to verify that your camper arrived safely at camp.
- Please understand that campers' active schedules do not bring them near the phone.
- On your appointed call days please call 814-667-3874 from 30-1.30pm and 5.30-7.30pm
- Please keep phone calls to 5-10 minutes so that other families have a chance to visit.
- Please do not take it personally if your child does not call home on their call day. Campers are not required to call home and they may be immersed in “SMA Camp Life”. Director Jud and his staff are always available to give you a “Camper Update” about your child.
- Please don’t panic if your camper calls and leaves a message if you are not home. Usually, they just want to say hello. If there is an emergency, rest assured we will be contacting you directly from the office.
- Incoming Calls: Please call 814-667-3874
- Outgoing Calls: Campers will call you on 814-667-2130, please DO NOT call back on this line as it is for outgoing calls only.
Campers LOVE to receive letters and cards while they are at camp. SMA campers are not required to write home, however we do encourage them to write. If you would like your child to write home while they are at camp please send them with paper, pens, envelopes and stamps.
Please send letters to: Your Camper’s Name, c/o SMA, 9803 Old Hawn Road, Huntingdon, PA 16652
- Campers may receive one email per week, text only.
- Campers do not have internet access during their stay at camp.
- Please send e-mails to: info@sma-summers with your child’s name in the subject line.
- Exceptions can be made for international campers as necessary.
Care Packages
The food at camp is wholesome and abundant. Campers have ample opportunity to buy snacks on day trips out of camp.
- You are welcome to send one care package per two wee session for your son or daughter at SMA.
- PLEASE DO NOT SEND food to camp and banned items including caffeinated energy drinks, aerosol spray cans, or chewing gum!
- Great items for care packages include: glow sticks, friendship bracelet string, temporary tattoos, a journal, travel games, decks of cards, Madlibs and other fun things your camper can share with the whole cabin!
- We reserve the right to search incoming packages with your camper present and we will remove anything that is not deemed suitable for use at camp.
- Please send mail to: Your Son/Daughter’s Name, c/o SMA, 9803 Old Hawn Road, Huntingdon, PA 16652