Next week SMA Teen Camp Director Jud Millar is attending the American Camp Association Keystone Conference at Bear Creek Mountain Resort & Conference Center. Attending ACA Conference is an incredible professional development opportunity. It's a fantastic chance to learn from summer camp industry professionals, network with our camp directors and attend informative workshops. The Keystone Retreat offers three content tracks running concurrently: PROGRAMMING, LEADERSHIP, and MAINTENANCE as well as many others - Core Competencies included - vital to a successful camp operation.
Keynote Speakers - Keystone Retreat
"We are pleased to announce our keynote speaker Loida Noriega-Wilson, President of the Norwil Group, Inc. Loida is a consultant specializing in leadership, management and human resources, and a regular speaker at the Tri-State CAMP Conference." I am very excited for this keynote speaker as I believe she has a great message and an incredible story to tell. .
Meet our Playnote Speaker, Dr. Jim Cain
"Jim is the author of 14 team and community building texts, including: Teamwork & Teamplay," - One hundred and fourteen!!
. Jim is the creative force behind his training company, Teamwork & Teamplay, a former executive director of The Association for Challenge Course Technology (ACCT), and the innovator of more than six dozen teambuilding activities and props. Jim holds four advanced degrees, including a Ph.D. and has traveled to 49 states and 38 countries (so far) sharing his knowledge on subjects ranging from teamwork and leadership to creative problem solving and trust building. His train-the-trainer programs are legendary and his conference keynotes/playnotes are active, engaging and tremendously fun. With regard to Jim's group facilitation skills, Tom Leahy of NCCPS remarked, "Jim, you are a Jedi Master!"
I have "played" with Dr Jim Cain at other events and I'm very excited he will be at the Keystone ACA Confrence!
I think what I'm most looking forard to at the ACA Keystone Conference is netwroking with other summer camp professionals. I am incredibly lucky that I love my job. However during the off season for the most part I work alone in the office. Sometimes Anne and I colaborate on a project but that's not a new interation as luckily I get to see her everyday. Getting to interact with other summer camp professionals, the share expereinces and learn from eachother is an exciting opportunity.

Topics and Breakout Sessions Include
Loida Noriega-Wilson Breakout Session (TBA)
Gary Kimball and Alan Cooper Opening the Gates- From Transgender to the Americans with Disabilities Act and Immunizations, What Does the Law Require? And What Should You Do?
Roz Buck Practical Ideas to Improve Staff Orientation
Jed Buck Practical Approaches to Outstanding Customer Service at Camp
Rich Rinaldi Free Tools to Optimize Your Camp Business
Stefanie Smith and Jackie Kaminsky An Architect’s Bag of Tricks: Effective Designs That Make Camps Work
Jessica Gaone and Stefanie Smith Real Solutions to Make Your Site and Facility Accessible
Laura Kelly Stress Relieving Handwork Techniques to Calm a Restless Camper
Laura Kelly, Jaime Chadwin, Adam Isadore (Panel Discussion-Outside Groups)
Kelly Weisner and Bradley Kunsman Where Did All the Time Go- Evaluating Task Management
Kleinbard LLC Abuse coverage, prevention and post incident
Jamie Chadwin Keep Your Athletic Campers at Your Camp- Creative Athletic Programing for Your Camp
Dave Malter (Staff Engagement)
Al Weber When I found out I could be replaced by a thumbtack; I became wise enough to know what I didn’t know!
Kindred Group Networking Roundtables
Vendor consultations and product "hands-on" demonstrations
Judson Millar