The Stone Mountain Adventures Summer of 2018 has officially come to a close. It is hard wrap my head around that fact that it's already August 24th but it's true.
- Our Campers departed on Sunday 8/19/18 (5 days ago)
- Our Camp Counselors departed yesterday (8/23/18)
- Wyatt and Molly (and Anne) started the school year on Wednesday 8/22/18
Amid all these endings, departures and new beginnings Stone Mountain Adventures has become a very quiet place. Today it was just Jack, Comet, Barney, the bunnies here at camp with the horses, the chickens (bak, bak) Pam, Biff, Tammy in the barn.
Please keep an eye on your Inbox as in the weeks to come we plan to send out:
- Community Service Hours Certificates
- SMA Session Slideshows
- SMA Session Memory Books