Director Jud's Blog

Read about How SMA Campers Spend the 3rd Session of their All Camp Day

Posted by Jud Millar on Sat, Jul 28, 2018

It’s All Camp Day at SMA which means we all got to sleep in!  We had a yummy breakfast of bagels and donuts and have all had time to reflect on this crazy fun week of session 3.

Since the campers arrived, session 3 has been going nonstop! We have had 2 overnights mud-ultimate, mud-soccer, bunnies adopted, rocks climbing, tie-dye, birdhouses made, frisbee golf, mountain biking, horse-back riding, and wakeboarding!

A group of Teen Campers pose for a picture.


For the overnights, we have had 1 superb wake overnights with campers successfully getting up on skis, wakeboard, kneeboard, and belly-whomping, an awesome hiking overnight (with the new friend of a really cool salamander).

A group of Teen female Campers pose for a picture.


The Horsemasters have been working on position, low jumps, and getting out on some hacks in the light rain. Rock climbers have been successfully completing climbs at our own Donation Rocks!


A group of Teen male Campers pose for a picture.


In the evenings, we have been having campfires (full of smores), the legendary invention convention, some disco (bunk-junk wearing) bowling, got ice cream, and played some aggressively competitive Jud games and tag. While it is the only time camp is ever competitive, the games are so silly that the seriousness in which they are played just makes the activity even more ridiculous.


A group of Teen female Campers pose for a picture.


Today, after cleaning their cabins and performing a skit for the counselors, the group will split off for some community service and then join back up for an all-camp day barbecue complete with hot dogs, hamburgers, veggie burgers and dogs, pasta salad, and fresh watermelon for desert. This evening’s activity is candlelight meetings. They are held as small groups with one counselor each and allow everyone for some time to reflect and look back on all that has been done and accomplished over the course of the past week. It also allows for people to look ahead and see what else should and could be done to make this the best two weeks ever!


A group of Teen Campers pose for a picture.





A group of Teen Campers pose for a picture.




A group of Campers pose for a picture.





Topics: Overnight Summer Camps for Teens, all camp day

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