We celebrated the 4th of July at Stone Mountain Adventures by going White Water Rafting!
Sonya Purkovic, Cabin John, MD
In the last three weeks I have had one of the most memorable times of my life. As a new camper at this 2 week summer camp I wasnervous, but as soon as I got here I was greeted with hugs and smiles. I immediately felt at home and
never felt left out. The real fun started with Disco Skating because it was my first time roller blading
and I only fell once (with a little help from a lot of people)! This was three weeks of firsts for me: first
time roller blading, my first roller coaster, first time falling out white water rafting, and my first time
being on a boat while people wake boarded and water-skied. Camp was full of high points, way too
many to count! It was an overall great experience. I have made many friendships that will last forever!
Sylvie Miller, Philadelphia, PA
I love this place, the way everyone comes together to create something bigger than us. SMA Really is an amazing 2 week summer camp! From wake
masters to silly conversations late at night in Little J, this place amazes me. When someone clears
the wake or does a trick we all clap and support each other, or when someone makes a good shot
in the Knock-out, the accomplishment is rewarded by all the campers and staff. The activities are
so much fun; among my favorites this session were the wake boarding overnight, the canoe
overnight, wake masters, rock climbing and windsurf/sail. The nights here are some how even
better. Invention convention was hilarious, the talent show allowed may staff and campers to
showcase their strange or normal talents, disco roller skating was incredibly fun; watching
everyone fall flat on their butts. Of course Hershey Park and white water rafting were fantastic. I
have learned to appreciate little things from my time here such as: staff skits and All Camp Days at
the lake. I once heard that “ a day at SMA feels like a week and a week feel like a day.” That sums
up this camp, every second here counts, and every second is blissfully amazing. These past three
summers have all been different and amazing. I miss you all! Please keep in touch, thank you all for
giving me a wonderful three weeks!