Director Jud's Blog

A Recollection of SMA Tweens Camp 2022 White Water Rafting, Session 2.

Posted by Jud Millar on Thu, Jul 21, 2022


On Monday, July17th everyone in Stone Mountain Adventures Session 2, 2022 went White Water Rafting on the Lower Youghiogheny River.  Our guides with Wilderness Voyagers were amazing... AND we have photos:



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A group of Campers White Water Rafting



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A group of Campers White Water Rafting


A group of Campers White Water Rafting



A group of Campers White Water Rafting



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A group of Campers White Water Rafting





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A group of Campers White Water Rafting



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A group of Campers White Water Rafting




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Picture of Campers White Water Rafting



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Ben Dillard

Oh man, what a session! You would think that after over a month in, things would be as exciting and there would be anything new to try. Wrong! This session was the best of the summer – especially when we went disco roller skating which I think is the by far the best activity. Capture the Flag was also great. It was completely chaotic in the beginning, but our team (the Flamingos) had the spirit and strength required to crush the Puffin’s hopes of victory. I will not forget our day on the Yough either. SMA 2 week teen camp  was doing so well on the river that we had enough time to go cliff jumping- something I had never done before!

Of course, the best thing about this session were the people that were part of our summer family for the last two weeks. It’s hard to believe that people can make you so happy and laugh so hard who only came into your life 15 days ago. It was an honor to be the Crow’s Nest bunk captain this session. It will be hard to see everyone leave tomorrow, but this shows how good of a session it was.




Palma Price                                                                             Session 3, 2016


The past two weeks at SMA 2 week teen camp were more amazing than I could’ve imagined.  It is only my second year but I feel I have been a part of this whole family my entire life. It was so amazing coming back, reuniting with old friends, getting closer to new people and making new friends. It breaks my heart that this is my last summer as a camper, but seeing the ex-campers who came back as counsellors gives me hope that this isn’t my last SMA experience. I am so grateful for my amazing SMA family – the most beautiful mom in the world, the best little brother, and all the crazy cousins and neighbors. My time here at camp has made me a more open, more trusting and a more loving person. I wouldn’t trade my time here for anything. The love I have for this camp is more than I could ever describe and I am beyond grateful that I could come back.
























Topics: white water rafting

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