Director Jud's Blog

We played "Pole Barn" this morning at SMA 2 Week Teen Camp!

Posted by Jud Millar on Wed, Aug 11, 2021

Every morning after breakfast at Stone Mountain Adventures we do "crew".  Every camper at SMA Teen Camp is a member of a "crew" and crews are basically chore groups.  We have a rotating job chat so each crew knows what their chores are each morning.  Crew time and morning chores are not a huge part of our daily life at camp as they only take about 15 minutes each day.  Crew time and chores are, however a large part of our summer camp philosophy: That every member of camp (campers included) must contribute to make our summer camp community "work".  During the first few mornings of crew time each session we take the opportunity to play name games and team building games.  Today we play what is far the loudest teambuilding game called "Pole Barn". 

After the games were over and before morning jobs started we took a photo of each crew... and here they are:


A group of Campers pose for a picture




A group of Campers pose for a picture




A group of Campers pose for a picture





A group of Campers pose for a picture



A group of Campers pose for a picture





A group of Campers pose for a picture




A group of Campers pose for a group picture




A group of Campers pose for a group picture




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