Stone Mountain Adventures Session 3, 2022 was an incredible experience for all involved. We had so much fun rock climbing, wakeboarding, going on camping overnights and white water rafting. We are thrilled to share with you the SMA Teen Camp Session 3 Slideshow:
Stone Mountain Adventures Teen Camp shouldn’t be called a camp. It’s more of a second family. As you enter this camp you take for granted and have fun but you never really understand how much this place really means to you until the end. Each day feels like a month with all the excitement and joy. Also occasionally the drama but you get over it and settle it out and that is the greatest part about this place. There are never really grudges and I feel like the counselors are so supportive, fun, and most of all, there to help you before they even help themselves. Also I am so appreciative of the selflessness of all of the staff. Most of all to Pam and Biff’s graciousness to open their home for us and showing us such a good time with the activities, meetings and all the evening activities are so comforting and enjoyable. I love this place so much and everything that comes with it.
-Sean Barber
SMA Teen Camp is more than just a summer camp. It’s an escape from reality for 3 ½ weeks. A safe haven for 52 teenagers, a second home for anyone who comes here. This session has been amazing for me. It feels likes it was yesterday that Leslie was picking me up at the train station on the first day. This year I connected with more people than I ever would’ve thought and there are more amazing memories than I believed possible. All of you have made this an unforgettable summer. I want to thank the amazing staff who are always there to talk to or just chill with. More than anyone I want to thank Pam and Biff and Jud and Anne and Chase for creating a place like this. After 3 years and 4 sessions Stone Mountain has come to mean more to me than anything else in the world. Everyday I’m here I learn more about myself and I grow as a person. There aren’t words to describe exactly what camp means to me. It just means everything.
-Chloe Rotman