Director Jud's Blog

Here is the SMA Teen Camp Session 2, 2020 Slideshow!

Posted by Jud Millar on Mon, Sep 14, 2020

All of us at Stone Mountain Adventures are SO EXCITED to share the Session 2, 2020 Slideshow:



Anna Frankford's Reflection on SMA Session 2, 2020:

After a terrible year, SMA was the best thing that has happened to me. I’m still in shock over everything about this place. SMA Teen Camp Feels like home. All of the campers I’ve bonded with, the counselors that actually care, and every fun adventure we all have together. Feeling free riding in the vans blasting music, the rush from white water rafting, the chaos of Jud games, gaining the nerve to climb up the rocks, and learning new things about myself, who I am and who I want to be are just a few of the things I love most about SMA. SMA changed my life!


Daniel Bosch's Reflection on SMA Session 2, 2020:

This year was different with COVID-19 going on and I was really questioning coming to camp. I wasn't even sure camp was going to happen.   I’m really glad I camp back to SMA and it turns out session 2 was awesome. After reconnecting with old friends and making new ones I remembered all of the reason I love camp so much: I get to be myself and be outside doing activities every day with fun like minded people! Being a 4th year I had more expectations and responsibilities but I feel like I was able to meet the pressure and do the things that I needed to do to be a good leader. I love camp so much and I love being here. Peace session 2 2020.


Stone Mountain Adventures (SMA) is a Teen Camp located in central PA serving kids ages 12 to 16.  Even during the wild and wacky COVID19 Summer of 2020 we were able to have some fun rock climbing, white water rafting, mountain biking, doing art studio, playing sports and generally having fun.   


We do offer 3 “Special Option Programs” for campers who want to specialize while they are at camp.  The "specail Option Programs include:

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Topics: slideshow, summer camp slideshow

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